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Monday, 28 January 2013

Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted. (David Bly)

Try these practice tests for the First Certificate in English exam. The links are on the right side of the page and you can check out your reading, writing and listening skills. There are also practice tests to help you assess grammar and structure points. Good luck!


Clarines said...

Hi Nina. Im Clarines, jp's cousin. I read your blog almost daily. It's amazing. :) This morning, reading The Guardian I found this article that maybe you could find interesting. It's about running. Definitely, it reminded me of you. Hope you like it. Have a nice day

Clarines :)

nina said...

Well hello there Clarines! How are you? Where are you? The last I heard you were actually in England - are you still there? Thank you so much for the link. I really enjoyed the article from the Guardian. I have, in fact, read the book "Born to Run". My brother, who is also a committed runner, gave it to me last year. I shall be taking part in a half-marathon in England soon and will be running in the colours of Spain - anything to draw attention to myself :) ha! ha! Don't forget to let me know where you are. I should love to hear from you again.

Clarines said...

You will be undoubtedly the winner. Im sure! You've been running that marathon for almost all your life, havent you? Im very happy to have news from you. Is everything okay over there? And congratulations again for your blog, my friends read it as well and they asked me to tell you.
And... yes, I'm still here, doing essays every week. Im very busy with coursework and translations but I have to admit that I love London. People here are amazing and Im even getting used to the rainy and snowy weather :P as Samuel Johnson said: "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford". I cannot agree more.
Thank you for answering, Nina. I hope everything is going well. xox